
  • astrology

    natal chart readings & current transits

  • reiki

    In-person or at a distance healing sessions + trainings

  • The Chiquita heel. Orange vegan leather strappy heel.


    1:1 privates and retreats.

I’m an astrologer, reiki master and yoga guide.

I am in service to showing you YOUR magic and helping you embody your wisdom. In a world that tells you to look outside yourself for answers, I will point you back to YOU.

Our bodies hold endless insights and ancient wisdom, my mission is to help you unlock it.

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the story behind my business

Back in April of 2024, on the day of the Scorpio full moon, I quit my job.

For the next six months I quietly grew business and my offerings in astrology, reiki and yoga. And then, I eventually came out of hiding and officially launched my business-

of earth and moon was born on the Scorpio new moon, November 1st, 2024

Venus rules my 10th house of career and my natal Venus just so happens to be in Scorpio; it was already written in the stars.

Venus is the planet of love, it shows us what we value. Scorpio teaches us to accept all the parts of us. It pushes us to grow through transformation. It’s death + rebirth. Scorpio energy helps you connect to magic and I am in service to showing you yours.

“I will not rescue you
for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you
for you are not broken
I will not heal you
for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you
through your darkness
as you remember
your light.”

A Medicine Woman’s Prayer